ISA contact inquiry form:
Contact ISA:
Reasons why ISA is the right choice:
There are many reasons why Halal consumers contact ISA. Some of them are listed below:
- Islamic Services of America (ISA) is one of the oldest and most prominent Halal certifiers in North America. For nearly fifty years we have served the Halal industry and Halal consumers.
- ISA can answer any Halal related question for you. What is Halal? What is Zabihah? What is the difference between Halal and Zabiha? Anything that comes to your mind, our experts are ready to answer your questions.
- ISA can guide you to select the best Halal certification service agreement for your business and tailor it according to your products and industry.
- Islamic Services of America is a one stop Halal certifier. We have the capacity, credibility, and qualified teams to meet all your Halal certification needs. From Halal meat to flavors and ingredients, consumables and non consumables - we can certify anything that meets Halal standards.
- ISA Halal certification seals/logos can open doors for your businesses and products. Whether you are in sales, regulatory, QA, operations, marketing or business development - you may need to know about Halal certification and its benefits and impact to your business.