Dec 30, 2021
While international cuisine is a growing sector, Halal certification can benefit any kind of frozen meals or snacks, from pizza to quiche to lasagna. These products offer speed and convenience, and busy consumers will be glad to see assurance that a product meets their standards at a glance, without needing to read the entire label or call the company.
Dec 23, 2021
The best advice when it comes to hosting an event with Muslims in attendance is to completely avoid serving pork, alcohol, or non-Halal meats. Muslims respect the beliefs of others, and don’t try to force non-Muslims to conform to an Islamically-acceptable diet. However, since alcohol and pork are completely prohibited, many feel more comfortable attending events where alcohol is not served, and more comfortable eating when they know that there is no chance of cross-contamination with an adjacent pork dish.
Dec 16, 2021
Part of the benefit of baking at home is being able to use whole foods that are automatically Halal suitable in their natural inherent Halal state. Eggs, almonds, raisins, oats, and other similar ingredients are not likely to pose a problem. Minimally processed ingredients like flour, sugar, butter, cocoa powder, and peanut butter are probably acceptable, but not always.
Dec 9, 2021
Since the permissibility of seafood is dealt with differently in the scripture than land animals, it does not require the same kind of religious ritual slaughter that is prescribed for other Halal animals such as cows, goats, and chickens. This makes the determination of Halal suitability somewhat more straightforward, especially for whole fresh seafood products sold by trusted vendors.
Dec 2, 2021
Perceived quality and purity of Halal products is one of the most important reasons why non-Muslims seek them out. Research has found that non-Muslim Malaysian consumers believe that Halal-certified food is safer and of higher quality than other options, and that they specifically seek it out for those reasons.
Nov 26, 2021
Whether you are a product manufacturer, ingredient supplier, distributor, or an everyday consumer, identifying that there are millions of people who depend on Halal certification and prefer products who have it 10x more than products that do not, outlines a compelling audience urging to be served.
Nov 18, 2021
There are some excellent opportunities for Halal businesses to place products and services on multiple platforms. Choosing the right platforms for your products will take some research and analysis. Mainstream business with Halal certified products and services can expand their markets on national and international Halal platforms.
Nov 11, 2021
Islamic Services of America certifies cosmetic brands and products that meet halal compliance standards. Many brands are certifying their products to assure consumers that they are Halal compliant and wudu-friendly.
Nov 4, 2021
To pursue opportunities and comply with regulations, companies opt to Halal certify their products and enter new markets. Certification and entry into new markets not only lead to increased revenues, but it becomes a long-term business strategy that leads to diversification, stability, and sustainability.
Oct 28, 2021
In the 19th century, industrialization and the growth of large urban centers in the US created the need for mass production of processed and preserved foods that were transported from production facilities to urban centers. In order to create huge amounts of processed foods, industrialists used chemicals and additives as color enhancers, flavor enhancers and preservatives.